Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Barenaked Ladies - Break Your Heart

While Barenaked Ladies are generally known as a fun band with catchy pop songs, (If i had a 1 000 000 dollars and Pinch Me), they also have a darker side. This is usually seen through the lyrics of Steven Page. His songs have always been a little more introspective and dealt with more mature themes.

Most “Love” songs deal with either expressing your undying love for someone or missing someone terribly after they've broken up. “Break Your Heart” takes the break up song, twists it slightly and gives us the perspective of someone that wants to break up but is to cowardly to do it. He can't bring himself to hurt her so he stays in a relationship he's not happy with.

It's thrown back in his face when she calls him out for his cowardice

And you said
What'd you think that I was gonna do,
Curl up and die just because of you?
I'm not that weak, you know
What'd you think that I was gonna do,
Try to make you love me as much as I love you?
How could you be so low?
You arrogant man,
What do you think that I am?
My heart will be fine
Just stop wasting my time

And now I'm over you, I'll be OK,
and that I've got what I want,
and that's rid of you
And it's not 'cause I'll be missing you
That makes me fall apart
It's just that I didn't mean to break
No I didn't mean to break
No I didn't mean to break
Your heart

Screaming the line “just stop wasting my time” captures the frustration nicely. No one wants to be in a relationship with a partner that's not committed. And your not doing anyone any favours by staying in when you want out.

It's a shame that Steven Page left the band. They will go on without him, (I like what I've heard of their new album), but it won't be the same. And sometimes that's good. I'll always look forward to whatever either Barenaked Ladies or Steven Page put out.

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